The overworld is where things are happy and glee, until you destroy everyone and everything in your path of course, turning the world into dark and gloomy sections as you take them over. Your lifeblood comes from the massive crystal in the middle of your dungeon, called a dungeon heart, and should you get invaded and it becomes destroyed, you lose. Inside the dungeon you use your minions, lovely referred to as “snots” to carve tunnels, gather resources and build parts of your base, the RTS part of Dungeons 3. There’s essentially two halves to the gameplay: the dungeon building and the overworld. The campaign is actually quite good, though there are some major spikes in difficulty in random places where one mistake will cost you the match. You though are an omnipotent evil being that simply wants to cause destruction and general debauchery, so clearly you’re going to take over Thalya’s body and use her as your vessel. Cleverly narrated, Dungeons 3 tells the tale of Thalya, a dark elf that’s raised by the noblest of Paladins. Factor in another handful of DLC’s, seven to be exact, and you’ve got a lot more gameplay ahead of you, which should nearly double the campaign. The core campaign is quite decently sized, which should take you at minimum 20-30ish hours to complete. If you’re a fan of pop culture, breaking the fourth wall like Deadpool and parody, you’re going to have a great time with lots of laughs. Build your dungeon, set traps, create monsters and destroy the do-gooders in the overworld. With more than enough DLC that you can shake a stick at, Dungeons 3 has been popular for fans of the genre, and can finally get all of its content in one place. Dungeons 3 is a few years old now, but as they say, everything old is new again, right? Part real time strategy, part dungeon builder, Dungeons 3 – Complete Collection is now available for those that want a good challenge and dozens and dozens of hours of gameplay.